Sunday, January 5, 2020

Relations Between Temperament and Speech-Language Development

The authors provide an overview of issues and research surrounding temperament and how it relates to speech-language development. There have been conflicting views on the exact definition of temperament; however, most researchers agree that temperamental traits are relatively stable over time. As temperament traits interact with the individual’s environmental experiences, personality traits develop (e.g. attitudes, values, self-concept, etc.). The authors identify three models of temperament and how it relates to atypical speech-language development. The disability model proposes that temperament may change due to speech-language disorders, whereas the (pre)disposition or vulnerability model suggests that the onset or changes in speech-language disorders is caused by temperament traits. Finally, the interaction model proposes that the dynamic and complex interaction of disability and vulnerability influence speech-language disorders. Three speech-language disorders and t heir relationship to temperament are explored further by the authors including specific language impairment (SLI), stuttering, and voice disorders. In relation to stuttering, a review of the literature suggests that there are differences in temperament traits when children who stutter (CWS) are compared to children who do not stutter (CWNS). In particular, CWS react more to changes in environment, possess more negative emotions, have decreased attention, have a reduced ability to adapt toShow MoreRelatedThe Ethological Attachment Theory1658 Words   |  7 Pagesexemplifies social referencing? Toms father uses a light mood and a smile to transition Tom from an angry state to a calmer one. Which of the following is true regarding the long-term stability of temperament? Difficult children tend to demonstrate the greatest level of instability in temperament. 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